As Laravel 5 is already final release, to install it, you should run
composer create-project laravel/laravel test-laravel-5-project --prefer-dist
in your console. test-laravel-5-project
is the name of your project you can call it anyway you want - for example myblog, myapp etc. Laravel files will be put inside this directory
You can also use alternative method using
composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1"
and then running
laravel new test-laravel-5-project
For detailed info you should look at official Laravel installation notes
The below answer is being kept only for historical reasons and it was valid when Laravel 5 still was in its development stages. You should now only use the method mentioned above
I've just tested this and there are two ways of installing Laravel 5:
One-step method
You just run:
composer create-project laravel/laravel test-laravel-5-project dev-develop --prefer-dist
and composer will create the whole directory structure. In above command test-laravel-5-project
is your project name - you can of course name it as you want (composer will create directory with this name and put all Laravel5 files inside this directory)
Multi-step method
- Download with option
Download ZIP
- Unpack it in web directory
- Run
composer update
(not composer install
) in directory where you unpacked your ZIP file
Using both methods when you run URL for your project in the browser (for example http://localhost/projects/test-laravel-5-project/public
depending on your webserver settings ) you will get standard Laravel website You have arrived.
Both methods should work well. Give either one a try, whichever works best for you.