To remotely connect to WAS, first, from the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console:
- Navigate to the application server's Debugging Service:
- Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > [serverName] > Debugging Service
- Check the "Enable service at server startup" checkbox
- Add/modify the "JVM debug port" if necessary (the port must not already be in use on the server)
- Add/modify the "JVM debug arguments" if necessary (this may already appear by default):
-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=7777
- Apply the changes, Save the new configuration, and Restart the application server
Then, from the Eclipse IDE:
- Open the "Debug" dialog (e.g. Run > Debug Configurations...)
- Right-click "Remote Java Application" and select "New"
- Configure the Remote Java Application:
- Name the debug configuration
- Browse to select the project to debug (optional)
- Use the "Standard (Socket Attach)" Connection Type
- Specify the hostname of your WAS server
- Specify the port number that was set in the WAS debug options
- Click Apply
- Click Debug
(These instructions are for WAS 7.0, but should be similar for other versions.)