I need to use .split
to split a string and make a nested dictionary, and have used ','
however, as can be seen in my data below, ,
shows up several times in the 'Reviewed' field, causing Python to label values as keys incorrectly. The Review field is meant to be a list within the dict.
A sample of my data can be seen below:
{"Username": "bkpn1412", "DOB": "31.07.1983", "State": "Oregon", "Reviewed": ["cea76118f6a9110a893de2b7654319c0"]}
{"Username": "gqjs4414", "DOB": "27.07.1998", "State": "Massachusetts", "Reviewed": ["fa04fe6c0dd5189f54fe600838da43d3"]}
{"Username": "eehe1434", "DOB": "08.08.1950", "State": "Idaho", "Reviewed": []}
{"Username": "hkxj1334", "DOB": "03.08.1969", "State": "Florida", "Reviewed": ["f129b1803f447c2b1ce43508fb822810", "3b0c9bc0be65a3461893488314236116"]}
{"Username": "jjbd1412", "DOB": "26.07.2001", "State": "Georgia", "Reviewed": []}
my current code:
#converting list to string using list comprehension
pdict = ' '.join([str(item) for item in products_list])
rdict = ' '.join([str(item) for item in reviewers_list])
#converting string to list of string
plist = pdict.split(',')
rlist = rdict.split(',')
#list of string to dict
products_dicts = {}
for item in plist:
t = products_dicts
for part in item.split(':'):
t = t.setdefault(part, {})
reviewers_dicts = {}
for item in rlist:
t = reviewers_dicts
for part in item.split(':'):
t = t.setdefault(part, {})
I've tried using different delimiters but it hasn't worked, how exactly would I get around this issue (preferably without having to go through a large data set removing all unneeded commas manually).
Expected output should be similar to this:
{"Username": "bkpn1412",
"DOB": "31.07.1983",
"State": "Oregon",
"Reviewed": ["cea76118f6a9110a893de2b7654319c0"]}
{"Username": "hkxj1334",
"DOB": "03.08.1969",
"State": "Florida" ,
"Reviewed": ["f129b1803f447c2b1ce43508fb822810", "3b0c9bc0be65a3461893488314236116"]}