The documentation says it all:
For truncated normal distribution:
The values are drawn from a normal distribution with specified mean and standard deviation, discarding and re-drawing any samples that are more than two standard deviations from the mean.
Most probably it is easy to understand the difference by plotting the graph for yourself (%magic is because I use jupyter notebook):
import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
n = 500000
A = tf.truncated_normal((n,))
B = tf.random_normal((n,))
with tf.Session() as sess:
a, b =[A, B])
And now
plt.hist(a, 100, (-4.2, 4.2));
plt.hist(b, 100, (-4.2, 4.2));
The point for using truncated normal is to overcome saturation of tome functions like sigmoid (where if the value is too big/small, the neuron stops learning).