EDIT: this answer (and gist) has been modified to work for IPython 6
I added a somewhat ad-hoc solution that automates the process of storing/restoring user space variables using the underlying code from IPython's %store magic which is from what I understand what you wanted. See the gist here. Note that this only works for objects that can be pickled.
I can't guarantee its robustness, especially if any of the autorestore mechanisms in IPython change in the future, but it has been working for me with IPython 2.1.0. Hopefully this will at least point you in the right direction.
To reiterate the solution here:
- Add the save_user_variables.py script below to your ipython folder (by default $HOME/.ipython). This script takes care of saving user variables on exit.
Add this line to your profile's ipython startup script (e.g., $HOME/.ipython/profile_default/startup/startup.py):
get_ipython().ex("import save_user_variables;del save_user_variables")
In your ipython profile config file (by default $HOME/.ipython/profile_default/ipython_config.py) find the following line:
# c.StoreMagics.autorestore = False
Uncomment it and set it to true. This automatically reloads stored variables on startup. Alternatively you can reload the last session manually using %store -r.
def get_response(quest,default=None,opts=('y','n'),please=None,fmt=None):
raw_input = input
except NameError:
quest += " ("
quest += "/".join(['['+o+']' if o==default else o for o in opts])
quest += "): "
if default is not None: opts = list(opts)+['']
if please is None: please = quest
if fmt is None: fmt = lambda x: x
rin = input(quest)
while fmt(rin) not in opts: rin = input(please)
return default if default is not None and rin == '' else fmt(rin)
def get_user_vars():
Get variables in user namespace (ripped directly from ipython namespace
magic code)
import IPython
ip = IPython.get_ipython()
user_ns = ip.user_ns
user_ns_hidden = ip.user_ns_hidden
nonmatching = object()
var_hist = [ i for i in user_ns
if not i.startswith('_')
and (user_ns[i] is not user_ns_hidden.get(i, nonmatching)) ]
return var_hist
def shutdown_logger():
Prompts for saving the current session during shutdown
import IPython, pickle
var_hist = get_user_vars()
ip = IPython.get_ipython()
db = ip.db
# collect any variables that need to be deleted from db
keys = map(lambda x: x.split('/')[1], db.keys('autorestore/*'))
todel = set(keys).difference(ip.user_ns)
changed = [db[k] != ip.user_ns[k.split('/')[1]]
for k in db.keys('autorestore/*') if k.split('/')[1] in ip.user_ns]
if len(var_hist) == 0 and len(todel) == 0 and not any(changed): return
if get_response("Save session?", 'n', fmt=str.lower) == 'n': return
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Save interactive variables (ignore unsaveable ones)
for name in var_hist:
obj = ip.user_ns[name]
db[ 'autorestore/' + name ] = obj
except pickle.PicklingError:
print("Could not store variable '%s'. Skipping..." % name)
del db[ 'autorestore/' + name ]
# Remove any previously stored variables that were deleted in this session
for k in todel:
del db['autorestore/'+k]
import atexit
del atexit