Is it possible using Objective-C on an iPhone to disable all WIFI connections?
Rant note: everybody sees OP is asking if it's possible or not? He doesn't mention the API has to be public. So here it is:
Class _SBWifiManager = objc_getClass("SBWiFiManager"); // Steal a class from SpringBoard
[[_SBWifiManager sharedInstance] setWiFiEnabled:NO]; // disable
However, it has to be noted well that mocking with the internals of iOS like this will for sure lead to the rejection of your app. However, if you don't care about getting into the AppStore, and you're developing a jailbroken or in-house or personal app, this should be just fine.
Also, I think you should consider redesigning your app/code/logic if you need such a functionality. This shall not be necessary, normally.