http only cookies as well as secure cookies work fine with websocket.
Some websocket modules have chosen to ignore cookies in the request, so you need to read the specs of the module.
Try: websocket node:
Make sure to use the secure websocket protocol as wss://
Also, chrome will not show the cookies in the "inspect element" Network tab.
In node try dumping the request, something like:
wsServer.on('request', function(request) {
console.log(request.cookies); // works in websocket node
If you see the cookies somewhere in the've got it.
If you're using secure-only cookies, you need to be in secure web sockets: wss://
The cookies are passed in the initial request. Chrome does not show it (all the time) as sometimes it shows provisional headers which omits cookie information.
It is up to the websocket server to do 'something' with the cookies and attach them to each request.
Looking at the code of your server: I do not see the word "cookie" anywhere, so it is not being nicely packaged and attached to each websocket connection. I could be wrong, that's why you might want to contact the developer and see if the whole header is being attached to each connection and how to access it.
This I can say for certain: If you're using secure cookies then cookies will not be transmitted unless you use the secure websocket wss://
. Plain ws://
will not work.
Also, cookies will only be transmitted in the request if the domain is the same as the webpage.