will not make a performant setter. Reflection against a generic inner type is your better option here, as this will allow you to use typed delegates. Another option is DynamicMethod
, but then you need to worry about a few IL details.
You might want to look at HyperDescriptor
, which wraps up the IL work into a PropertyDescriptor
implementation. Another option is the Expression
API (if you are using .NET 3.5 or above):
static Action<T, object> MakeSetterDelegate<T>(PropertyInfo property)
MethodInfo setMethod = property.GetSetMethod();
if (setMethod != null && setMethod.GetParameters().Length == 1)
var target = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
var value = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));
var body = Expression.Call(target, setMethod,
Expression.Convert(value, property.PropertyType));
return Expression.Lambda<Action<T, object>>(body, target, value)
return null;
Or alternatively with a generic type:
abstract class Setter<T>
public abstract void Set(T obj, object value);
class Setter<TTarget, TValue> : Setter<TTarget>
private readonly Action<TTarget, TValue> del;
public Setter(MethodInfo method)
del = (Action<TTarget, TValue>)
Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action<TTarget, TValue>), method);
public override void Set(TTarget obj, object value)
del(obj, (TValue)value);
static Action<T, object> MakeSetterDelegate<T>(PropertyInfo property)
MethodInfo setMethod = property.GetSetMethod();
if (setMethod != null && setMethod.GetParameters().Length == 1)
Setter<T> untyped = (Setter<T>) Activator.CreateInstance(
property.PropertyType), setMethod);
return untyped.Set;
return null;