Since the MPMoviePlayerController only allows you to play one video at a time, the MediaPlayer framework always knows the video that's playing. That's how MPVolumeView knows about the MPMoviePlayerController. I have no official docs, but I imagine it's baked into the framework this way.
Since there are probably a lot of checks and balances going on (and they loves consistent UIs), Apple only allows you to use their AirPlay button/UI for tapping into this feature. You can, however, put that button wherever you want:
airplayButton = [[MPVolumeView alloc] init];
airplayButton.frame = CGRectMake(myX, myY, 40, 40);
[airplayButton setShowsVolumeSlider:NO];
[customPlayerControls.view addSubview:airplayButton];
I just guessed on the width,height being 40,40 and I'm sure it's not correct, but once I got the button in place it didn't matter.