So now I have two tables, namely dbo.DEMAND
and dbo.SUPPLY
, which contain columns including bidderID
, itemID
, quantity
, bidPrice
, etc. Now I want to regularly (accomplished by using SQL server's proxy) and automatically match the rows meeting the criteria (here is my problem) specified below, ordered by publishTime
, and transfer some information into another table dbo.DEAL
The way I am currently doing is to first declare @temp table
and insert everything in dbo.DEMAND
into @temp
. Then I use WHILE
to traverse the dbo.DEMAND
table, for each row use SELECT TOP 1 XXX FROM
the dbo.SUPPLY
table when specific conditions are met. Finally I DELETE
the row in the @temp
table when a traversal in dbo.SUPPLY
is finished (either @temp.Quantity
becomes 0, or when no match can be found in the dbo.SUPPLY
table) and restart with the next traversed row. To be more specific, my goal is to find all matches satisfying:
{1. @temp.ItemID = SUPPLY.ItemID;
2. @temp.Bid > SUPPLY.Price;
3. @temp.LowestDegre > SUPPLY.DegreeN.}
one-by-one, first traversing @temp
ordered by DEMAND.PublishTime
, and when one match is found DO:
{1. For the 2 rows (in the two tables), DELETE both rows and the 1 corresponding row in dbo.DEMAND if Quantities are equal, or,
DELETE the row with smaller Quantity, and SUBTRACT the Quantity in the row with larger Quantity with the smaller one;
2. Add a row in the DEAL table, containing BuyerID, SellerID, ItemID, BidPrice, etc;
3. Redo the MATCH procedure.}
Basically in my opinion, this way is same as double-for-loops in C++. However, I've heard that SQL is good at dealing with sets (presumably like we always want matrix operations in MATLAB), and row-wise traversal does take a long time. How can I optimize the algorithm I am currently using?
Sample data:
Sample code:
buyer char(20),
bid float,
quantity smallint,
item char(20),
lowestnew decimal(18,2),
lowestrep decimal(18,2),
pubtime date
INSERT INTO @temp(buyer,bid,quantity,item,lowestnew,lowestrep,pubtime)
SELECT BuyerID,Bid,Quantity,ItemID,LowestDegreeNew,LowestReputation,PublishTime FROM DEMAND
ORDER BY PublishTime;
DECLARE @flag int
SET @flag = 0
DECLARE @seller char(20), @buyer CHAR(20), @item char(20), @lowestdegree decimal(18,2), @lowestrep decimal(18,2)
WHILE EXISTS (SELECT buyer, item, lowestnew, lowestrep FROM @temp)
SET @flag = 1
SELECT @buyer = buyer, @item = item, @lowestdegree = lowestnew, @lowestrep = lowestrep FROM @temp
DECLARE @price FLOAT, @quantity SMALLINT
IF EXISTS (select Price, SellerID, Quantity from SUPPLY, SELLER where SellerID = ID and @lowestdegree >= DegreeNew and @lowestrep>=Reputation order by Price)
SELECT TOP 1 @price=Price, @seller = SellerID, @quantity = Quantity FROM SUPPLY, SELLER WHERE SellerID = ID AND @lowestdegree >= DegreeNew AND @lowestrep>=Reputation
IF ((SELECT Quantity FROM DEMAND WHERE SellerID = @seller AND ItemID = @item AND (DegreeNew >= @LowestDegreeNew) AND (Price <= @bid)) IS NOT NULL)
Footnote: I understand that this could be very easily realized by writing easy C# or Python code in fore-end, but I would just like to see if it's possible to solely do this in the database system.