After some discussion with Mark in the comments on my first answer, I decided to make another solution using OpenCV and NumPy, which is able to easily feed some real images, e.g. photos, to the method and get the image including a border with rounded corners, and transparency outside the border!
import cv2
import numpy as np
def rect_with_rounded_corners(image, r, t, c):
:param image: image as NumPy array
:param r: radius of rounded corners
:param t: thickness of border
:param c: color of border
:return: new image as NumPy array with rounded corners
c += (255, )
h, w = image.shape[:2]
# Create new image (three-channel hardcoded here...)
new_image = np.ones((h+2*t, w+2*t, 4), np.uint8) * 255
new_image[:, :, 3] = 0
# Draw four rounded corners
new_image = cv2.ellipse(new_image, (int(r+t/2), int(r+t/2)), (r, r), 180, 0, 90, c, t)
new_image = cv2.ellipse(new_image, (int(w-r+3*t/2-1), int(r+t/2)), (r, r), 270, 0, 90, c, t)
new_image = cv2.ellipse(new_image, (int(r+t/2), int(h-r+3*t/2-1)), (r, r), 90, 0, 90, c, t)
new_image = cv2.ellipse(new_image, (int(w-r+3*t/2-1), int(h-r+3*t/2-1)), (r, r), 0, 0, 90, c, t)
# Draw four edges
new_image = cv2.line(new_image, (int(r+t/2), int(t/2)), (int(w-r+3*t/2-1), int(t/2)), c, t)
new_image = cv2.line(new_image, (int(t/2), int(r+t/2)), (int(t/2), int(h-r+3*t/2)), c, t)
new_image = cv2.line(new_image, (int(r+t/2), int(h+3*t/2)), (int(w-r+3*t/2-1), int(h+3*t/2)), c, t)
new_image = cv2.line(new_image, (int(w+3*t/2), int(r+t/2)), (int(w+3*t/2), int(h-r+3*t/2)), c, t)
# Generate masks for proper blending
mask = new_image[:, :, 3].copy()
mask = cv2.floodFill(mask, None, (int(w/2+t), int(h/2+t)), 128)[1]
mask[mask != 128] = 0
mask[mask == 128] = 1
mask = np.stack((mask, mask, mask), axis=2)
# Blend images
temp = np.zeros_like(new_image[:, :, :3])
temp[(t-1):(h+t-1), (t-1):(w+t-1)] = image.copy()
new_image[:, :, :3] = new_image[:, :, :3] * (1 - mask) + temp * mask
# Set proper alpha channel in new image
temp = new_image[:, :, 3].copy()
new_image[:, :, 3] = cv2.floodFill(temp, None, (int(w/2+t), int(h/2+t)), 255)[1]
return new_image
img = cv2.imread('path/to/your/image.png')
cv2.imshow('img', img)
new_img = rect_with_rounded_corners(img, 50, 20, (0, 0, 0))
cv2.imshow('new_img', new_img)
It's the same concept as used in my other answer with some more code on the correct transparency stuff.
Some exemplary input:
The corresponding output:
Another input and parameter set:
new_img = rect_with_rounded_corners(img, 20, 10, (0, 0, 128))
Hope that also helps!
System information
Platform: Windows-10-10.0.16299-SP0
Python: 3.8.1
NumPy: 1.18.1
OpenCV: 4.2.0