in the AwesomeWM, (on a fresh Arch install) I am looking for a way to snap windows to the left/right side of the screen in the floating mode. A bit like in say Cinnamon (Mint).
I am unable to do it, even after many attempts. I want to use something like Super+left arrow to snap a window to the left half of the screen etc.
The closest I found was but I am not understanding it. It says something like "o make this useful, use a key shortcut for each command :)" but I do not understand how/what to do.
Any ideas guys?
Also, I am not married to AwesomeWm. If there are any other (minimal) dynamic window managers where this is possible/easier, please let me know and I will switch.
P.S. that feature does exist when moving a window with the mouse, which is what is infuriating me so much... it should be easily done and I can not do it... at all...
also, I am rather a noob, so be a bit slow :)