For nehalem:
Each core in the architecture has a 128-bit write port and a
128-bit read port to the L1 cache.
128 bit = 16 bytes / clock read
128 bit = 16 bytes / clock write
(can I combine read and write in single cycle?)
The L2 and L3 caches each have a 256-bit port for reading or writing,
but the L3 cache must share its port with three other cores on the chip.
Can L2 and L3 read and write ports be used in single clock?
Each integrated memory controller has a theoretical bandwidth
peak of 32 Gbps.
Latency (clock ticks), some measured by CPU-Z's latencytool or by lmbench's lat_mem_rd - both uses long linked list walk to correctly measure modern out-of-order cores like Intel Core i7
L1 L2 L3, cycles; mem link
Core 2 3 15 -- 66 ns
Core i7-xxx 4 11 39 40c+67ns
Itanium 1 5-6 12-17 130-1000 (cycles)
Itanium2 2 6-10 20 35c+160ns
AMD K8 12 40-70c +64ns
Intel P4 2 19 43 200-210 (cycles)
AthlonXP 3k 3 20 180 (cycles) --//--
AthlonFX-51 3 13 125 (cycles) --//--
POWER4 4 12-20 ?? hundreds cycles --//--
Haswell 4 11-12 36 36c+57ns
And good source on latency data is 7cpu web-site, e.g. for Haswell:
More about lat_mem_rd program is in its man page or here on SO.