YUV 4:2:0 planar looks like this:
| Y | Cb|Cr |
Y = width x height pixels
Cb = Y / 4 pixels
Cr = Y / 4 pixels
Total num pixels (bytes) = width * height * 3 / 2
And the subsamling used like this:
Which means that each chroma-pixel-value is shared between 4 luma-pixels.
One approach is just to remove pixels, making sure that corresponding Y-Cb-Cr relationship are kept/recalculated.
Something close to the Nearest-neighbor interpolation but reversed.
Another approach is to first convert the 4:2:0 subsampling to 4:4:4
Here you have a 1 to 1 mapping between luma and chroma data.
This is the correct way to interpolate chroma between 4:2:0 and 4:2:2 (luma is already at correct resolution)
Code in python, follow html-link for c-dito.
Code is not very pythonic, just a direct translation of the c-version.
def __conv420to422(self, src, dst):
420 to 422 - vertical 1:2 interpolation filter
Bit-exact with
w = self.width >> 1
h = self.height >> 1
for i in xrange(w):
for j in xrange(h):
j2 = j << 1
jm3 = 0 if (j<3) else j-3
jm2 = 0 if (j<2) else j-2
jm1 = 0 if (j<1) else j-1
jp1 = j+1 if (j<h-1) else h-1
jp2 = j+2 if (j<h-2) else h-1
jp3 = j+3 if (j<h-3) else h-1
pel = (3*src[i+w*jm3]
dst[i+w*j2] = pel if pel > 0 else 0
dst[i+w*j2] = pel if pel < 255 else 255
pel = (3*src[i+w*jp3]
dst[i+w*(j2+1)] = pel if pel > 0 else 0
dst[i+w*(j2+1)] = pel if pel < 255 else 255
return dst
Run this twice to get 4:4:4.
Then it's just a matter of removing rows and columns.
Or you can just quadruple the chroma-pixels to go from 4:2:0 to 4:4:4, remove rows and columns and then average 4 Cb/Cr values into 1 to get back to 4:2:0 again, it all depends on how strict you need to be :-)