It is something similar in Office, a dialog which allows to select a folder.
The only difference is that the Select folder button is named "OK" instead of "Select folder".
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
Microsoft.Office.Core.FileDialog fileDialog = app.get_FileDialog(Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoFileDialogType.msoFileDialogFolderPicker);
fileDialog.InitialFileName = "c:\Temp"; //something you want
int nres = fileDialog.Show();
if (nres == -1) //ok
Microsoft.Office.Core.FileDialogSelectedItems selectedItems = fileDialog.SelectedItems;
string[] selectedFolders = selectedItems.Cast<string>().ToArray();
if (selectedFolders.Length > 0)
string selectedFolder = selectedFolders[0];
Of course, you need to add references to Microsoft.Office.Core (Microsoft Office 14.0 Object Library) and Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel (Microsoft Excel 14.0 Object Library).