There are two parts to this answer.
Part 1 is nicely explained in If MessageBox()/related are synchronous, why doesn't my message loop freeze?. The MessageBox function is not blocking, it merely creates a dialog box with its own message loop.
Part 2 is explained in the MessageBox documentation.
hWnd: A handle to the owner window of the message box to be created. If this
parameter is NULL, the message box has no owner window.
When you display a modal dialog, Windows disables its owner, but if you pass 0 for the first parameter, there is no owner and nothing to disable. Therefore, your program will continue to process messages (and react to them) while the message box is displayed.
To change this behaviour, pass form's handle as a first parameter. For example:
procedure TTestThread.SynchThread;
MessageBoxA (Form1.Handle, 'Hello', 'Test', 0);