Using Drew Noakes suggestion, I have come to a workaround that does the trick for now and that can be easily removed once the issue is solved in a newer version of MVC (that is if more stuff isn't changed that would break it:))
The goal is to be able to use an HtmlHelper inside a declarative helper method that lives in a file in App_Code without having a NullReferenceException. To solve this I included in all the files in App_Code the following:
@using System.Web.Mvc;
private static new HtmlHelper<object> Html
get { return ((WebViewPage)CurrentPage).Html; }
private static UrlHelper Url
get { return ((WebViewPage)CurrentPage).Url; }
This does seem to do the trick as I can now write the following helper (in the same file):
@helper PrintAsRaw(string htmlString)
Obviously the helper method is just an example. This solution has the downside that the @functions declarations has to be introduced in all helper declaration files in App_Code, but does avoid complicating the call to the helper, as you can simply write in a view:
@MyAppCodeFile.PrintAsRaw("<p>My paragraph</p>")
Hope this helps...