You need to actually build up the Expression
objects to represent the expression that you want this to mimic, in this case the expression you want to represent is:
l => l.SomeProperty == SomeValue
So you need to build up each component of that bit by bit, from creating the parameter, defining the equality operator, the property access, the constant value, etc.
public static Expression<Func<TItem, bool>> PropertyEquals<TItem, TValue>(
PropertyInfo property, TValue value)
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TItem));
var body = Expression.Equal(Expression.Property(param, property),
return Expression.Lambda<Func<TItem, bool>>(body, param);
Once you have all of that you can call it using the data that you have:
var queryResult = objContext.CreateObjectSet<T>()
.Where(PropertyEquals<T, int>(tenantKeyProperty, tenantKey))
.Where(PropertyEquals<T, int>(rowKeyProperty, KeyValue))