You need to specify axes' 'Position'
property when you create them with subplot
Also, you have to adjust figure aspect ratio to match that of the image, so that all figures fit without vertical or horizontal space.
If you show a different image in each subplot, all images should have the same aspect ratio, otherwise it's not possible for them to fit in the figure without empty spaces.
bot = imread('peppers.png');
for i= 1:25
subplot('Position',[(mod(i-1,5))/5 1-(ceil(i/5))/5 1/5 1/5])
imshow(bot); %// or show a different image on each subplot
p = get(gcf,'Position');
k = [size(bot,2) size(bot,1)]/(size(bot,2)+size(bot,1));
set(gcf,'Position',[p(1) p(2) (p(3)+p(4)).*k]) %// adjust figure x and y size