The trick is to realize that we only need to find the minimum j such that (A[0] + ... + A[j-1]) == (A[0] + ... + A[i]) - 1
. A[j] + ... + A[i]
is the the same as (A[0] + ... + A[i]) - (A[0] + ... + A[j-1])
, so once we find the proper j, the sum between j and i is going to be 1.
Any earlier j wouldn't produce a positive value, and any later j wouldn't give us the longest possible sequence. If we keep track of where we first reach each successive negative value, then we can easily look up the proper j for any given i.
Here is a C++ implementation:
vector<int> solve(const vector<int> &A)
int n = A.size();
int sum = 0;
int min = 0;
vector<int> low_points;
// low_points[0] is the position where we first reached a sum of 0
// which is just before the first index.
vector<int> B(n,-1);
for (int i=0; i!=n; ++i) {
sum += A[i];
if (sum<min) {
min = sum;
// low_points[-sum] will be the index where the sum was first
// reached.
else if (sum>min) {
// Go back to where the sum was one less than what it is now,
// or go all the way back to the beginning if the sum is
// positive.
int index = sum<1 ? -(sum-1) : 0;
int length = i-low_points[index];
if (length>1) {
B[i] = length;
return B;