I created a sample JSON dataset to match that schema:
|ClientNum|Filters |
|abc123 |org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.UnsafeArrayData@60fca57e|
Your problem is best solved using the explode() function which flattens an array, then the star expand notation:
s.selectExpr("explode(Filters) AS structCol").selectExpr("structCol.*").show()
| Op|Type|Val|
|foo| bar|baz|
To make it a single column string separated by commas:
s.selectExpr("explode(Filters) AS structCol").select(F.expr("concat_ws(',', structCol.*)").alias("single_col")).show()
| single_col|
Explode Array reference: Flattening Rows in Spark
Star expand reference for "struct" type: How to flatten a struct in a spark dataframe?