cut pursuit: a working-set strategy to compute piecewise constant functions on graphs
C/C++ implementation of the L0-cut pursuit algorithms with Matlab and Python interfaces.
Cut pursuit is a graph-cut-based working-set strategy to minimize functions regularized by graph-structured regularizers.
For G = (V, E, w) a graph with edges weighted by w, the problem writes:
minx ∈ ΩVf(x) +
∑(u,v) ∈ Ew(u,v)φ(xu - xv)
where Ω is the space in which lie the values associated with each node.
We distinguish two different cases for φ, corresponding to different implementations:
φ: t ↦ |t|: the convex case, the regularizer is the graph total variation.
Implemented for many different functionals f, such as quadratic, ℓ1-norm, box constraints, simplex constraints, linear, smoothed Kullback–Leibler.
See repository CP_PFDR_graph_d1, by Hugo Raguet. It is well-suited for regularization and inverse problems with a low total variation prior.
φ: t ↦ δ(t ≠ 0) = 1 - δ0(t): the nonconvex case, the regularizer is the weight of the cut between the adjacent constant components. It is well-suited for segmentation/partitioning tasks. This repository corresponds to this problem.
Current implementation supports the following fidelity functions:
quadratic fidelity: φ: x ↦ ∑v in V||xv - yv||² with y an observed value associated with node v (best for partitioning)
linear fidelity: φ: x ↦ - ∑v in V<xv, yv> with yv a weight associated with node v
Kullback leibler fidelity φ: x ↦ ∑v in V KL(xv, pv) with pv a probability associated with node v. Only apply when Ω is a simplex
You need boost 1.58, or 1.65 if you want the python wrapper.
conda install -c anaconda boost
make sure that you use the following CPPFLAGS:
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE} -pthread -fopenmp -O3 -Wall -std=c++11")
add include<./cut-pursuit/include/API.h> and call any of the interface functions.
To compile the MATLAB mex file type the following in MATLAB in the workspace containing the cut-pursuit folder:
mkdir build
cd build
This creates build/src/ which can be imported in python. see to test it out.
Cut Pursuit: fast algorithms to learn piecewise constant functions on general weighted graphs,
L. Landrieu and G. Obozinski, SIAM Journal on Imaging Science 2017, Vol. 10, No. 4 : pp. 1724-1766
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Cut-pursuit algorithm for nonsmooth functionals regularized by graph total variation, H. Raguet and L. Landrieu, in preparation.
if using the L0-cut pursuit algorithm with \Omega other than R, one must also cite:
A structured regularization framework for spatially smoothing semantic labelings of 3D point clouds. Loic Landrieu, Hugo Raguet , Bruno Vallet , Clément Mallet, Martin Weinmann